Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Juicing & Scanning

Red cabbage adds great color to my juice.
Still going strong on my juice fast.  Today is the 11th day and I'm truly amazed at how muchenergy I have and that I've haven't really been hungry.  I was really afraid going into this that my hunger would get the best of me, but so far so it's hardly been an issue.  I still get excited about trying new vegetables and added red cabbage & parsley to some of my mixes this week.  I only spend about 20 minutes a day juicing to make enough to get me through the next day.  

I'm hoping to make it to 30 days before breaking my fast and even had a thought yesterday about making it to 43 days (1 day for each year of my life).  I'll just keep taking it a day at a time though and trust my body to tell me when I'm ready to head back into the land of eating.  I have started researching the best way to break my fast and will be thinking about a fun way to do it.  I love that Joe Cross went up in a hot air balloon and ate an apple to break his 60 day fast.  It will be too cold here for a balloon ride, but I'll think of something to commemorate the occasion. 

It's been too cold here to get out and walk and I've been ignoring my treadmill, but I have had some fun scanning a bunch of my son's artwork from when he was a little boy (he's 21 now!).  I will keep a few of his actual drawings, but most of them will be stored in my computer now, which is great because I actually look at them more often than when they were stored away in a box.  Here's one of my favorites.  I think I'm supposed to be the one with the long hair.

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