Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Time Capsule

I finally made myself go through my son's baby clothes the other day.  They've been neatly organized for the last couple of decades and I do plan to hold on to this box of memories for my son for a while longer.  He's 21 now and doesn't care one way or the other and I probably won't  hand them over until there's another female influence in his life.  But I did find a few items that I really didn't remember and weren't really that special that went into my donate pile.

These clothes have been in a plastic tote for all this time and I also have one other tote with a few of his favorite books and stuffed animals.  In the spirit of radically simplifying everything in my life, I will pare it all down so that it all fits in ONE box.

My son also stopped by last night & I showed him everything I was going through.  The only thing he showed any interest in was his soccer shirt from grade school.  He thought it was cool that I saved it and even wants to frame and display it.  The baby clothes may never mean much to him, even if he has his own son someday he'll never "ooh & aah" over them like his future wife might, but he (and I) may really enjoy reading the books I saved to his kids someday.

One of the books I saved holds many fond memoris.  It's called, "The LonelyScarecrow" and has a matching snow globe.  I always kept it with our Christmas decorations and we read it every year during the holidays.  It's about a scarecrow that doesn't have any friends because he looks scary, until it snows and he becomes a friendly looking snowman.  I have a feeling it is more special to me than to Devin, but it's going in his memory box along with his favorite stuffed animals, Big Bear & Elmo,and the small box of Legos I saved for him.

Now all of his memories are in one large tote along with his artwork & school papers.  Just a little time capsule for him to enjoy someday in the future with his children. 

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