Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Paradigm Shift

The other night, as I was about to drift off to sleep I realized that I had been experiencing a gradual paradigm shift over the last couple of months.  Maybe it's just all of this juice going to my head or maybe it's a result of the clarity I've felt during my juice fast.  That clarity could also be the result of sleeping better.  When I started this juice fast 62 days ago I was 56lbs heavier and was only sleeping 2-3 hours at a time during the night.  I was constantly waking up during the night and often had to sleep sitting up in my living room chair because I was able to breathe easier that way.  Whatever the reason, I can see clearly now the road ahead of me and it's paved with hope.  

I am hopeful because spending this time cleaning out my body with fresh pressed juice seems to have washed away my fear my hunger. I've been chased by an unrelenting hunger most of my life and was afraid the hunger from only drinking juice would be unbearable, but I've been amazed at how manageable my hunger has been.  And the fear of hunger that has been a monkey on my back for so long seems to have found somewhere else to live.  Hopefully, he won't come back when I start eating bananas again.

I'm still amazed that I've been juicing for more than 60 days.  My last day will be this Friday and I'm excited to start chewing food again.  I am so excited about the changes ahead of me in the coming months and transformation that juicing has had on my body and my mind.  As I was writing about this shift I've felt tonight I came across this quote on a friend's Facebook page that sums up perfectly what I've been thinking and feeling lately.

"Change is a transition from dysfunctional behavior to functional behavior. Functionality means skill in achieving healthy goals. To change psychologically is to become skillful at handling things better now than we did before. Change is a psychological event; transformation is a spiritual gift. Transformation, unlike change, cannot be achieved; it happens. Transformation means love, wisdom, and healing in thought, word and deed." ~ David Richo

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