Friday, March 14, 2014

Love is...

It's been almost 2 weeks since I broke my juice fast and started eating solid food again.  I've had a few mishaps and have come to the conclusion that meat is only going to make occasional appearances in my diet.  Just drinking juice was certainly simpler, but I've been pleasantly surprised at how quiet the food voices in my head have been and continue to make better choices when it comes to what I eat.  Like all of the choices I'm making as I radically simplify my life these days, I'm choosing Quality over Quantity and keeping everything really simple.

My main focus during the last couple of weeks has been helping my Mom get her new apartment renovated.  I've been selling things for her on Craigslist and helping her choose new (smaller) pieces of furniture for her new home.  She'll be moving into it on March 25th and my son will be moving in here with me that week.  He's really excited about having more space and being able to get a couple of roommates after I move to Santa Fe in May.  He's already brought over a couple of car loads of his stuff and has already started a few small remodel projects.  It's been really nice being able to spend more time with him and I'm grateful he wants my input and help with the paint & decorating choices.  

My son also surprised me last night with this lovely, framed plaque.  He had gone into the Kirkland store near our house and realized very quickly that it wasn't really his type of store, but thought I would love the store and this plaque reminded him of me.   It brought tears to my eyes when I saw it because it's the first gift he's ever really put any thought into for me.  I've certainly gotten my share of handmade gifts from him when he was little, but this is the first time he's gotten me a something that he was excited about giving to me.  I thought all of my attempts to get him to purchase thoughtful gifts had fallen on deaf ears.  Apparently, my suggestions didn't fall on deaf ears after all and this plaque will definitely be making the trip with me and be hung in a special place in my new home.  Radically simplifying my life doesn't mean living an austere or undecorated life.  Like with my food, my goal is Quality over Quantity and a thoughtful gift from my son, that I really like, is the perfect representation of this new way of life for me.  

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